noted & quoted
Noted & Quoted
“When I got here, they gave me only 2 weeks to live, and look at me now! Therapy is going great and I love being in the gym.You know, the house where I was raised is only a mile away . . . I’ve come back to my roots, I’m home.”
– Howard Heiss
Resident at Gwynedd
When Howard Heiss arrived here from the hospital this past summer in precarious health due to Congestive Heart Failure, his stay at Gwynedd was supposed to be stepping stone to hospice care. Defying all odds, today Howard is a walking miracle as he strolls our halls on his own two feet while enjoying life to the fullest.
Our therapists worked intensively with Howard to help him regain his independence – and together they’ve succeeded! Although he’s completed his physical therapy regimen, he exercises regularly with our restorative nursing assistants to keep up his strength. In fact, his time spent in the gym is his favorite part of the day! Howard delights in the daily visits from his family, and enjoys watching TV in the comfort of his own chair that he brought from home.
“Dad’s a different man now,” says his grateful son.